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Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain
President 2008-09 & 2009-10

Permanent Service Projects

Lions Prayas School

Lions Club Agra City is running a primary school Lions Prayas School at Ashok Nagar, Agra as its permanent service project since 1999. Free education is provided to the children of the poor families of the locality. The Club also provides stationary, books and other requirements for all the children. The school has strength of about 50 children and two teachers. The teachers’ salary is also borne by the Club.

Oxygen Cylinder Service

The Club is also running another permanent project since 1999 providing Oxygen Gas Cylinder free of any charges to the poor and needy patients. The Cylinder is kept at Dr. S.S. Suri’s Nursing Home at Jaipur House Colony, Agra. The needy patients avail this facility free of cost.