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Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain
President 2008-09 & 2009-10

March, 2010 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events

March, 2010

Notice for the Sixth Meeting of the Board of Directors

Notice for the sixth meeting of the Board of Directors was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on Saturday 13th March, 2010 at 7.00 P.M. at Hotel Kanak Palace, Sikandra, Agra.

The following is the agenda –

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last meetings.

  2. Discussion on the Eye Camp service project.

  3. Discussion on Oxygen cylinder service project.

  4. Suggestions for entertaining the meetings.

  5. Discussion on the curriculum to welcome guests from U.S.A. on 20.3.2010

  6. Discussion on the official visit of the District Governor, Region Chairperson and Zone Chairperson

  7. Discussion on organizing Charter Night of the Club

  8. Discussion on any other matter with the permission of the President.

  9. The meeting shall be followed with fellowship and dinner.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Seventh General Meeting held on 24.2.2010

The Seventh general meeting of the Club was merged with the District's Past District Governors Honour function on Wednesday, the 24th February, 2010 at 8.00 P.M. at Triveni Resort, Fatehabad Road, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, I Vice President

  5. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, III Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director

  7. Lion Govind Saran Singh, Member

  8. Lion Sushil Mtsra, Member

  • The function was organized by the District to welcome and honour Past District Governors.

  • 19 out of 21 PDGs were present on the Dais.

  • All the clubs of the District honoured the PDGs with Yellow Angvastrum and gift.

  • Lions Club Agra City got the opportunity to welcome and honour PDG Lion O.P. Agrawal. President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain, Immediate Past president Lion V.K. Rajauria, Charter President & Secretary Lion C.P. Singhal and other members of the club presented angvastrum and gifts to PDG Lion O.P. Agrawal and his wife.

  • The President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain had the distinction to be honoured by the District Governor for his Club's remarkable association in this program.

  • The function was followed by fellowship and dinner.

Notice for the Eighth General Meeting of the Club

Notice for the eighth general meeting was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on Saturday, 20th March, 2010 at 7.00 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran, Agra.

In this meeting, District Governor Lion Yogesh Kansal will also make his official visit to the club. PDGs Lion K.K. Paliwal, Lion J.S. Mehra and Lion Ramesh Nagwani, and Vice Governor Lion Rakesh Mehra are also expected to grace the occasion by their presence. On this occasion, Lion Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, PDG from District 20-K2, New York, U.S.A. shall be the Guest Speaker.

Induction ceremony shall also be conducted in this meeting. The Induction Officer shall be the PDG Lion Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally.

All the family members and at large members are also invited to the meeting.

The meeting shall be followed with vegetarian dinner.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Board of Directors held on 13.3.2010

The sixth meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Saturday, the 13th March, 2010 at 7.00 P.M. at Hotel Kanak Palace, Sikandra, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, I Vice President

  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, II Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, III Vice President

  7. Lion Er. Dau Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer

  8. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director

  9. lion Er. Jagdish Babu Varma, Director

  10. Lion Govind Saran Singh, Member

  11. Lion Sushil Misra, Member
  • The President Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain welcomed the members.
  • Charter President & Secretary Lion C.P. Singhal orated the Dhwaj Vandana along with all the members present.
  • The Board passed the minutes of the last Board meeting unanimously.
  • Discussion on the agenda items no. 2, 3 and 4 were postponed for the next meeting.
  • The Board decided to welcome the PDG Lion Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, his wife Dr. Mariann Renee Beebe, his friend Mr. John Ashcraft and his wife Dr. Meryll Ashcraft from U.S.A. on 20th March, 2010 in a dignified manner. It was decided to present them momentos of their visit. It was also decided to invite family members and at large members without any charges. The venue for the function was finalized to be Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Agra.
  • The Board decided to simultaneously arrange official visits of District Governor, Region Chairperson and Zone Chairperson on 20th March, 2010. It was also decided to invite District Secretariat and PDGs Lion K.K. Paliwal, Lion J.S. Mehra and Lion Ramesh Nagwani on this occasion.
  • Discussion on arrnaging Charter Night was postponed for the next meeting.
  • The Board decided to appoint Lion Govind Saran Singh as Joint Secretary, Lion Dharm Vir Singh as Director and Lion Naresh Kumar Anand as P.R.O. for the session 2009-10. Lion Sushil Misra will be invited as special invitee in Board meetings.
  • President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain then invited Senior member and Charter President of the club and Past District Secretary Lion C.P. Singhal to act as Installation Officer and perform the installation of the Board of Lions Club Agra City for the year 2009-10.
  • Lion C.P. Singhal thanked and accepted to function as Installation Officer. He narrated the duties of the Board members in different capacities and invited the club officers to take oath of their duties. The Installation Officer presented gevil to the President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain and declared the Board of Lions Club Agra city as istalled for the year 2009-10.
  • Immediate Past President Lion Er. V.K. Rajauria thanked the Installation Officer Lion C.P. Singhal.
  • The meeting was then called off after National Anthem, and was followed by fellowship and dinner.

Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School

  • The Club paid salary to the teachers.

Oxygen Cylinder Service

  • In March, 2010, five patients availed this facility.

February, 2010 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events

February, 2010

Notice for the Seventh general meeting

Notice for the seventh general meeting was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be merged with the District's PDG honour program to be held on Wednesday 24th February, 2010 at 8.00 P.M. at Triveni Green Resort, Fatehabad Road, Agra.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Sixth general meeting held on 16.1.2010

The sixth general meeting was held on Saturday, the 16th January, 2010 at 7.00 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President
  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Imm. Past President
  3. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, First Vice President
  4. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary
  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Second Vice President
  6. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, Third Vice President
  7. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer
  8. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director
  9. Lion Govind Saran Singh, Member
  • The President Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain welcomed the members. Charter President Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal orated Dhwaj Vandana along with all the members present.
  • The Board passed the minutes of the Fifth general meeting held on 16th January, 2010 unanimously.

  • Secretary Lion C.P. Singhal tabled the Income-Expenditure statement of 2008-09 provided by the President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain. The house discussed and passed the accounts unanimously.
  • Secretary Lion C.P. Singhal tabled the account statement of J&K tour of the members in August, 2009 provided by President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain. The house discussed the accounts and passed it unanimously.
  • secretary Lion C.P. Singhal and Treasurer Lion D.D. Agrawal tabled the Income-Expenditure account of the club for the period July, 09 to December, 2009. The house passed the accounts unanimously after brief discussion.
  • Discussion on the venue and date for the proposed Eye Camp and on Oxygen project were postponed for the next meeting.
  • Charter President & Secretary Lion C.P. Singhal and First Vice President Lion N.C. Gupta tabled the resignation letter of President. The house discussed the matter and assured full cooperation to the President and voted for full confidence in the President. The President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain then thanked the house and withdrew his resignation on the insistance of the house.
  • The meeting was called off after National Anthem, followed by fellowship and dinner.

Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School
  • The Club paid salary to the teachers.

Oxygen Cylinder Service
  • In February, 2010, four patients availed this facility.

January, 2010 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events

January, 2010

Notice for the Sixth general meeting

Notice for the sixth general meeting of the club was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on 16th January, 2010 at 7.00 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.

The following is the agenda –

  1. Presentation and approval of the statement of the Income-Expenditure statement for the year 2008-09.

  2. Presentation and approval of the accounts of Kashmir Tour.

  3. Presentation and approval of the accounts statement July, 2009 - December, 2009.

  4. Discussion on the Eye Camp service project.

  5. Discussion on Oxygen cylinder service project.

  6. Suggestions for entertaining the meetings.

  7. Discussion on any other matter with the permission of the President.

  8. The meeting shall be followed with fellowship and dinner.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Boards of Directors held on 16.12.2009

The Fifth Meeting of the Boards of Directors was held on Wednesday, the 16th December, 2009 at 7.00 P.M. at Udai Bhavan, Near Bhagwan Talkies, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President
  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President
  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary
  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, I Vice President
  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, II Vice President
  6. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, III Vice President
  7. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer
  8. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director
  9. Lion Jagdish Babu Varma, Director
  10. Sri Govind Saran Singh, Guest

  • The President Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain welcomed the members. Charter President Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal orated Dhwaj Vandana along with all the members present.
  • The Board passed the minutes of the last meeting unanimously.
  • The presentation of the accounts of the year 2008-09 was postponed for the next meeting.
  • The proposed budget for the year 2009-10 was approved after discussion.
  • The discussion on the proposed eye camp project was postponed for the next meeting.
  • The progress in publishing the sovenir was appraised by all members.
  • The discussion on Oxygen project was postponed for the next meeting.
  • It was unanimously decided to merge the next meeting in the MERLOW seminar scheduled to be held on 20th December, 2009 at Aligarh under the sponsorship of our club member Lion C.P. Singhal, District Chairperson Retention.
  • The fifth general meeting was decided to be merged with the District's New Year Celebration function on 31st December, 2009.
  • The members appraised Lion Dr. A.K. Jain, Lion Er. V.K. Rajauria, Lion C.P. Singhal and Lion D.D. Agrawal for attending Second District Cabinet Meeting at Bulandshahar.
  • The members thanked Lion Dr. A.K. Jain, Lion Er. V.K. Rajauria, Lion Er. N.C. Gupta, Lion Vikas Agrawal, Lion Er. S.B. Paliwal, Lion Er. D.D. Agrawal and Lion Er. J.B. Varma for their additional contribution to School Project Fund.
  • The meeting was called off after National Anthem, followed by fellowship and dinner.

Excerpts of the Minutes of the Fourth General Meeting merged with the District MERLOW Seminar on 20th December, 2009 at Aligarh.

The Fourth general meeting of the club was merged with the District MERLOW Seminar held at Hotel Melrose, Aligarh on 20th December, 2009. Charter President of Lions Club Agra City and District Retention Chairperson, Lion C.P. Singhal was a member of the MERLOW team which organized the seminar.

The following members of the club participated in the seminar -

  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President
  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Imm. Past President
  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary
  4. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, III Vice President

The seminar was presided by Vice Governor II Lion Rakesh Singhal and inaugurated by DG Lion Yogesh Kansal and Immediate PDG Lion Sri Kishan Agrawal. Merlow Chairpersons Lion C.P. Singhal, Lion Anoop Goyal and Lion Jitendra Chauhan presented the progress in Retention, Extension and Membership in the District. Faculty lectures were given by Multiple Council Chairperson Lion Dr. M.S. Bhatnagar, Lion Deepak Talwar, Lion R.K. Sharma, Lion Ashok Kapoor and Lion Rakesh Singhal.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Fifth General Meeting merged with the District's New Year Function held on 31.12.2009

The Fifth General Meeting of the was merged with the District's New Year function held on 31.12.2009 at Shankar Resort, Agra


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President
  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President
  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary
  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, I Vice President
  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, II Vice President
  6. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, III Vice President
  7. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer
  8. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director
  9. Lion Er. Dharm Veer Singh, Director
  10. Lion Govind Saran Singh, Member
  11. Lion Anshuman Tripathi, Member

It was a feast of music and dance and a lot of entertainment including Tambola, competitions and prizes. The program was followed by fellowship and snacks and dinner. All the Lion members of the district who attended this function welcomed the New Year 2010 with great enthusiasm.

    Projects Activities

    Lions Prayas School

    • Lions Club Agra City celebrated Republic Day on 26th January, 2010 at Lions Prayas School, Ashok Nagar, Agra.
    • The Flag hoisting was performed by the President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain.
    • The children sang national anthem and presented cultural program.
    • Gifts and refreshment was provided to the children by the club.
    • The members present were Lion Dr. A.K. Jain, President, Lion Er. N.C. Gupta, I Vice President, Lion C.P. Singhal, Charter President & Secretary, Lion R.B. Agrawal, Director, and the new member Lion Govind Saran Singh.
    • The Club paid salary to the teachers.

    Oxygen Cylinder Service

    • In January, 2010, three patients availed this facility.

    Other Activities

    District's Republic Day Program

    • A program "Ek shaam desh ke naam" on the occasion of the Republic Day was organized by the District Governor on 26th January, 2010 at Sur Sadan, Agra. Administrative authorities of Agra included District Magistrate, Mayor of Agra and City Magistrate of Agra.
    • Colourful patriotic songs and dances were presented by different lions Clubs of Agra.
    • Lion Dr. A.K. Jain, President, Lion C.P. Singhal, Charter President & Secretary, Lion Er. S.B. Paliwal, III Vice President and Lion G.S. Singh, Member, attended the function on behalf of Lions Club Agra City.

    Third District Cabinet Meeting

    • The third District Cabinet Meeting was organised on 31st January, 2010 at Invertis Institute, Bareilly.
    • The meeting was attended by Lion Dr. A.K. Jain, President, Lion C.P. Singhal, Charter President & Secretary, Lion Er. S.B. Paliwal, III Vice President and Lion G.S. Singh, Member.
    • Lion C.P. Singhal who is also the district Chairperson Retention, focussed in his speech on the necessity and importance of retention in the Lions world.
    • The District Governor honoured our Club by awarding International patch and double diamond pin to the President Lion Dr. A.K. Jain for membership retention and services during 2008-09.

December, 2009 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events

December, 2009

Notice for the Fifth meeting of Board of Directors

Notice for the Fifth meeting of the Board of Directors was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on 16th December, 2009 at 7.00 P.M. at Udai Bhawan, Near Bhagwan Talkies, Agra.

The following is the agenda –

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.

  2. Presentation and approval of the statement of the Income-Expenditure statement for the year 2008-09.

  3. Presentation and approval of the tentative budget statement for the year 2009-10.

  4. Discussion on the proposed Eye Camp Service Project.

  5. Discussion on the proposed publication of Club souvenir “Keerti evam Uplabdhi Patrika”

  6. Discussion on Oxygen service project.

  7. Discussion on membership growth.

  8. Discussion on the Oxygen project.

  9. Discussion on attending MERLOW seminar at Aligarh on 20th December, 2009.

  10. Discussion on merging meetings of the club in the New Year function of the District.

  11. Vote of thanks to the members who attended II District Cabinet Meeting at Bulandshahar.

  12. Discussion on any other matter with the permission of the President.

  13. The meeting shall be followed with fellowship and dinner.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Fourth meeting of the Board of Directors held on 7.11.2009

The Fourth meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Saturday, the 7th November, 2009 at 7.30 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, First Vice President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Second Vice President

  5. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, Third Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer

  7. Lion Er. Jagdish Babu Varma, Director

  • The President Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain welcomed the members. Charter President Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal orated Dhwaj Vandana along with all the members present.

  • The Board passed the minutes of the Third meeting of the Board of Directors held on 26th October, 2009 unanimously.

  • On account of the absence of past Treasurer Lion Er. R.B. Agrawal, the presentation of Income-Expenditure Account statement of 2008-09 was postponed for the next meeting.

  • The proposed budget for the year 2009-10 was discussed and the discussion will continue in the next meeting.

  • Lion C.P. Singhal presented an outline of the new service project of Eye Camp after consulting District Hospital. The Board approved the proposal.

  • Lion C.P. Singhal outlined the proposal of the proposed souvenir. The Board approved the proposal and requested the Charter President to do the needful and inform the progress in next meetings.

  • Discussion on Oxygen Project was postponed for the next meeting.

  • For membership growth, all the members accepted to try to sponsor at least one new member before December, 2009.

  • Lion C.P. Singhal proposed on taking part in MERLOW seminar at Aligarh and II District Cabinet Meeting at Bulandshahar. The Board accepted the proposal.

  • The meeting was called off after National Anthem, followed by fellowship and dinner.

Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School
  • The Club paid salary to the teachers.

Oxygen Cylinder Service
  • In December, 2009, five patients availed this facility.

November, 2009 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events

November, 2009

Notice for the Fourth meeting of Board of Directors

Notice for the Fourth meeting of the Board of Directors was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on 7th November, 2009 at 7.30 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.

The following is the agenda –

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.

  2. Presentation and approval of the statement of the Income-Expenditure statement for the year 2008-09.

  3. Presentation and approval of the tentative budget statement for the year 2009-10.

  4. Discussion on the proposed Eye Camp Service Project.

  5. Discussion on the proposed publication of Club souvenir “Keerti evam Uplabdhi Patrika”

  6. Discussion on Oxygen service project.

  7. Discussion on membership growth.

  8. Discussion on any other matter with the permission of the President.

  9. The meeting shall be followed with fellowship and dinner.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Third meeting of the Board of Directors held on 26.10.2009

The Third meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Monday, the 26th October, 2009 at 7.00 P.M. at Udai Bhavan, Near Bhagwan Talkies, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, First Vice President

  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Second Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, Third Vice President

  7. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer

  8. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director for 2 years

  9. Lion Er. Jagdish Babu Varma, Director for 1 year

  • The President Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain welcomed the members. Charter President Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal orated Dhwaj Vandana along with all the members present.

  • The Board passed the minutes of the second meeting of the Board of Directors of 2009-10 unanimously.

  • On the request of past Treasurer Lion Er. R.B. Agrawal, the presentation of Income-Expenditure Account statement of 2008-09 was postponed for the next meeting.

  • On the request of Treasurer Lion Er. D.D. Agrawal, the discussion on the proposed budget for the year 2009-10 was postponed for the next meeting.

  • For membership growth, all the members were requested to sponsor at least one new member.

  • The secretary was requested to present an outline of the new service project of Eye Camp after consulting District Hospital.

  • It was discussed and decided to organize one general meeting every month with dinner, and one Board meeting with fellowship and dinner. A family picnic meeting should be organized after three general meetings without any additional charges for family members of the club.

  • Lion Vikas Agrawal showed his inability to make his wife family member of the club because she is member of another Lions club. But he agreed to pay the subscription of a family member to the club as per the club rules.

  • Lion C.P. Singhal proposed to publish a club souvenir “Keerti evam Uplabdhi Patrika” as a fund raising program. The members appreciated his proposal and requested him to put the proposal in detail in the next meeting.

  • The meeting was called off after National Anthem, followed by fellowship and dinner.

Excerpt of the Third General Meeting of the Club held on 24th November, 2009

The third general meeting of the club was merged with the mega project of social work at Sur Kuti, Keetham, Agra. The project was sponsored by Immediate Past President Lion V.K. Rajauria.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, First Vice President

  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Second Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, Third Vice President

  7. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer

  8. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director for 2 years

  9. Lion Er. Jagdish Babu Varma, Director for 1 year
  10. Lion Anshuman Tripathi, Tail Twister

About 50 students and teachers of the Blind School at Sur Kuti were given Lunch by the Club. All the students and staff of the Blind school were given dresses with woolen innerwears. Lion Er. V.K. Rajauria organized the project and preparation of meals with his personal interest in association with Lion R.B. Agrawal and Lion Ansuman Tripathi.

Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School

  • The Club observed Bal Diwas on 14th November, 2009 at Lions Prayas School.
  • The Club paid salary to the teachers.

Oxygen Cylinder Service

  • In November, 2009, four patients availed this facility.

Other Projects

Sur Kuti Project

  • A mega project was undertaken for the welfare of the students and staff of the Blind School, Sur Kuti, keetham, Agra on 24th November, 2009.
  • With the financial assistance of Lion V.K. Rajauria, the club provided dresses with woolen innerwears and meals to about 50 students and staff of the Blind school.

October, 2009 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events

October, 2009

Notice for the second meeting of Board of Directors

Notice for the second meeting of the Board of Directors was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on 8th October, 2009 at 7.00 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.

The following is the agenda –

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.

  2. Appointment of the Board of Directors for the year 2009-10.

  3. Presentation and approval of the statement of the Income-Expenditure statement for the year 2008-09.

  4. Presentation and approval of the tentative budget statement for the year 2009-10.

  5. Discussion on the membership growth.

  6. Discussion on the service projects.

  7. Discussion on any other matter with the permission of the President.

  8. The meeting shall be followed with fellowship and dinner.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Boards of Directors held on 11.7.2009

The Joint Meeting of the Boards of Directors was held on Saturday, the 11th July, 2009 at 7.30 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, Vice President

  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer

  7. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, Member

  • The President Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain welcomed the members.
  • Charter President Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal orated Dhwaj Vandana along with all the members present.

  • The Board passed the minutes of the last meeting of 2008-09 unanimously.

  • The completion of the Board of Directors for 2009-10 was postponed for the next meeting.

  • The proposed budget for the year 2009-10 was presented by the Treasurer. To meet the increasing costs, the treasurer proposed an overall 25% increase in the subscription but Lion V.K. Rajauria objected on the ground that the expenses were successfully met during 2008-09 and as such there was no need to increase the subscription for this year. The President postponed the decision for the next meeting.

  • Due to absence of the past Treasurer Lion Raj Bahadur Agrawal, the presentation of the Income –Expenditure Account statement of 2008-09 was postponed for the next meeting.

  • The Board decided to organize the sight-seeing tour of Kashmir and authorized the President to arrange it.

  • In other matters, Lion C.P. Singhal proposed to merge the next club meeting with the First District Cabinet Meeting to be held on 26th July, 2009 at Hotel Clarks Shiraz, Agra. The President was authorized to take decision in this matter.

  • The meeting was called off after National Anthem, followed by fellowship and dinner.

Notice for the Third meeting of Board of Directors

Notice for the Third meeting of the Board of Directors was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on 26th October, 2009 at 7.00 P.M. at Udai Bhavan, Near Bhagwan Talkies, Agra.
The following is the agenda –

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.

  2. Presentation and approval of the statement of the Income-Expenditure statement for the year 2008-09.

  3. Presentation and approval of the tentative budget statement for the year 2009-10.

  4. Discussion on organizing family meetings.

  5. Discussion on membership growth.

  6. Discussion on the service projects.

  7. Discussion on any other matter with the permission of the President.

  8. The meeting shall be followed with fellowship and dinner.

Excerpt of the Minutes of the second meeting of the Board of Directors held on 8.10.2009

The second meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Thursday, the 8th October, 2009 at 7.30 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.


  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, Vice President

  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer

  7. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal

  8. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal

  9. Lion Er. Jagdish Babu Varma

  • The President Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain welcomed the members. Charter President Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal orated Dhwaj Vandana along with all the members present.

  • The Board passed the minutes of the first meeting of the Board of Directors of 2009-10 unanimously.

  • The Board for the year 2009-10 was unanimously constituted and approved as follows –

  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President

  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President

  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary

  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, First Vice President

  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Second Vice President

  6. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, Third Vice President

  7. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer

  8. Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal, Director for 2 years

  9. Lion Er. Jagdish Babu Varma, Director for 1 year

  10. Lion Er. Dharm Vir Singh, Director for 1 year

  11. Lion Prof. Anshuman Tripathi, Tail Twister

  • The presentation of Income-Expenditure Account statement of 2008-09 was postponed for the next meeting.

  • The discussion on the proposed budget for the year 2009-10 was postponed for the next meeting.

  • For membership growth, all the members were requested to sponsor at least one new member.

  • The secretary was requested to present an outline of the new service projects and fund raising programs in the next meeting.

  • The President, Secretary, Treasurer and Zone Chairperson (Quest) Lion V.K. Rajauria were requested to participate in the II District Cabinet meeting to be held at Bulandshahar.

  • It was proposed and discussed to organize one general meeting every month with fellowship and dinner, and one Board meeting with fellowship and snacks only. A family meeting should be organized after three Board meetings. Discussion is to be continued in the next meeting.

  • Lion Er. Raj Bahadur Agrawal suggested that club meetings may be merged with the social functions like marriage, etc. organized by members and the money so saved be utilized for the excursion/tours.

  • It was decided to perform service project offered by Lion N.C. Gupta for the school as soon as possible.

  • It was decided to reorganize the oxygen cylinder project.

  • The meeting was called off after National Anthem, followed by fellowship and dinner.

Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School
  • Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday 2nd October was celebrated in the school.
  • The teachers salary was paid by the Club.

Oxygen Cylinder Service

  • In October, three patients availed this facility.

September, 2009 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events

September, 2009

Club Meetings
Club meetings could not be held during September, 2009 due to unavoidable circumstances.
Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School
  • Teachers Day on 5th September was celebrated in the school. The children presented cultural programs. Gifts and prizes were distributed to the Teachers and children.
  • The Club paid salary to the teachers.

Oxygen Cylinder Service
  • In September, 2009, four patients availed this facility.

August, 2009 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events
August, 2009

Excerpts of the First and Second General Meetings
The first and second general meetings of the club were merged with the sightseeing tour of Kashmir during 9.8.2009 to 18.8.2009. The sightseeing tour of Kashmir was organised by the Club to have a glimpse of the wonderful beauty of Kashmir. The following members participated in this excursion -
  1. Lion Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain, President
  2. Lion Er. Vinod Kumar Rajauria, Immediate Past President
  3. Lion Chandra Prakash Singhal, Charter President & Secretary
  4. Lion Er. Nemi Chand Gupta, Vice President
  5. Lion Vikas Agrawal, Vice President
  6. Lion Er. Dau Dayal Agrawal, Treasurer
  7. Lion R.B. Agrawal, Member
  8. Lion Er. Satish Babu Paliwal, Member
  9. Lion Er. Jagdish Babu Varma, Guest
  10. Lion Er. Dharm Vir Singh, Guest
  • The journey was started on 9.8.2009 from Agra by Cars to New Delhi Railway Station. From New Delhi, our group boarded Rajdhani Express which reached Jammu on 10.8.09 in the morning. From Jammu, we hired two taxis for Srinagar. The taxis were hired for the sightseeing and return journey to Jammu. We reached Srinagar in the evening.
  • From 11.8.09 to 17.8.09, we visited Srinagar, Sonmarg, Gulmarg, Pahalgam and Jammu and enjoyed the beauty of Kashmir.
  • We returned to Jammu on 16.8.09, stayed there for one night and caught the train to Agra on 17.8.09 and reached Agra on 18.8.09.
  • First and second general meetings of the Club were merged with this tour program.

Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School

  • Independence Day 15th August was celebrated in the school.
  • The Club paid salary to the teachers.
  • Books and Stationary were distributed to the children of the school.

Oxygen Cylinder Service

  • In August, 2009, three patients availed this facility.

July, 2009 Report

Lions Club Agra City Events
July, 2009
Notice for the Joint Meeting of Boards of Directors

Notice for a Joint Meeting of the Boards of Directors for the year 2008-09 and 2009-10 was issued by the Secretary. The meeting shall be held on 11th July, 2009 at 7.00 P.M. at Hotel Usha Kiran Palace, Pratappura, Agra.

The following is the agenda –

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.

  2. Appointment of the Board of Directors for the year 2009-10.

  3. Presentation and approval of the statement of the Income-Expenditure statement for the year 2008-09.

  4. Presentation and approval of the tentative budget statement for the year 2009-10.

  5. Discussion on the proposed sight-seeing tour.

  6. Discussion on any other matter with the permission of the President.

  7. The meeting shall be followed with fellowship and dinner.

Projects Activities

Lions Prayas School
  • The Club paid salary to the teachers.
Oxygen Cylinder Service
  • In July, 2009, three patients availed this facility.